Well, I had the idea to write a play about chronic pain. It's something that's not understood and literally thousands of people suffer in silence. They suffer while those around them think it's all in their heads or that they're malingering. They lose their lives figurately, by not being able to work, to care for themselves, to play with their children or have relationships with their husbands and wives; and they lose their lives literally, when they think they can no longer cope.
And finding supporters was much easier than I thought it would be. There are hundreds of caring professionals out there that dedicate their lives to helping people with pain. But there are also hundreds of people that have been touched by pain themselves or know someone who has been touched by pain. I mean, think about it. Pain is universal. No matter where you go on this planet, everyone feels pain.
This blog is dedicated to the sufferers and their friends and families, and the people who try and help them. It will track the making of the play. All of us who are involved, and there are so many, will comment, and hopefully some patients may add their comments as well. If we can touch the life of just one person, we will have reached our goal.
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