Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mondays With Marlene

In my opinion....

Do you remember when you got your first car; or at least when you learned to drive and could borrow your dad’s or a boyfriend’s car? Or when your cousin who was a year older than you got her driver’s license and the two of you would cruise Main Street, along with dozens of other newly empowered teenagers? Do you remember those trips to A & W when it was still a drive in and your food was delivered on a tray that was attached to the side window of the car? OK, I know I’m dating myself, but the excitement of those days was nothing compared to finally getting a car after over seven months of being unable to drive. Whahooooo!

Free at last. Free at last. Thanks to the universe and my ever present angels, free at Last.

One of the hardest parts of recovering from our car accident was not being independent; having to depend on friends, family, and sometimes strangers to get you to doctor’s offices, therapy appointments and grocery shopping. It was a very painful experience. I am the one who was always in charge; the leader of the pack, the helper outer and now the show had moved on and I had to ask others for help. Gulp. Perhaps that was the lesson I had to learn and believe me, it was a hard one. I’m sure that all of you reading this know exactly what I’m talking about. We take that independence thing for granted until suddenly we don’t have it any longer.

Every time I get into my new used car and drive away, I am grateful that I didn't lose the ability to drive. I can guarantee it’s something I will never take for granted again.

Now where the heck was that A & W drive in?

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